Lúpulo Chinook

Chinook calidad premium de importación

  • Cosecha: 2017
  • País: Estados Unidos.
  • Aroma Profile: Grapefruit, Spicy, Pine
  • Beer Styles: IPA, Pale Ale, Stout, Porter.



Brewing Values:

  • Alpha Acid: 11.5 – 15%
  • Beta Acid: 3 – 4%
  • Co-humulone: 27 – 31%
  • Total Oil: 1 – 2.5 mL/100g
  • B-Pinene: 0.3 – 0.5% of total oil
  • Myrcene: 20 – 30% of total oil
  • Linalool: 0.3 – 0.5% of total oil
  • Caryophyllene: 9 – 11% of total oil
  • Farnesene: < 1.0% of total oil Humulene: 18 – 24% of total oil Geraniol: 0.7 – 1% of total oil
Carrito de compra